One of RAMS Türkiye’s most important building blocks is the concept of equality as it strives to create a working environment free of discrimination for all employees.
RAMS Türkiye pays as much attention to opportunity diversity as it does to equal opportunity. Whatever their gender, profession, age, nationality, experience or expertise, we aim to give all employees a sense of equality.
While it carries out its business in the best way possible, RAMS Türkiye always acts with a sense of conscientious responsibility, a legacy that has been passed down from its founders. By offering all employees fair and equal opportunities, the company operates all its processes on the basis of providing everyone equal opportunities, regardless of gender, and its approach to diversity is founded on the principle that every individual is unique and different in many ways.
RAMS Türkiye believes in a sustainable future which can only be made possible with the contributions of the business world and of women in particular to all aspects of life. The company’s human resources policies facilitate the effective participation of woman in working life.