We are aware of our customers’ sensitivity about preserving the environment. At Rams Türkiye, we strive to protect the environment in order to leave behind future generations and all living beings a clean, healthy, peaceful and safe world.

The Rams Türkiye Family believes that besides our rapidly diminishing natural resources, we have the responsibility, more than ever before, to safeguard the environment in our firm conviction that this is the most important treasure we can leave behind for future generations.

Protecting and improving the natural environment, acting from the perspective of presenting future generations with a more livable world, we try to minimize all potential harm to the environment that our processes may cause, producing environmentally sound and green living spaces.

In this context, Rams Türkiye’s environmental policy seels to:

Reduce earthmoving and excavation wates to a minimum, using waste management systems in collaboration with local administrations; prevent pollution at its source, use energy productively; and by minimizing the adverse effect of our operations on the environment, raise awareness among our stakeholders about maintaining a green economy and achieving energy productivity.

We include an assessment of the environmental impact of our projects in our design process and accordingly evaluate environmental impacts before implementing new processes.

Minimize the impact of our operations, projects and services on the environment.

Minimize our consumption of auxiliary resources (paper, cartridges, etc.) by carrying our processes to a digital platform.

Increase awareness among our employees about the environment through training, encouraging them to contribute to creating a corporate culture of environmental consciousness.

Rams Türkiye works to be a pioneer and an exemplary model for social responsibility projects, carrying its principles in this context to other parts of the country and to the world.